Tuesday, October 5, 2010

iPhone Marriage?!

Imagine if iPhones gave birth...
It's be like, buy two iPhones and breed them. Buy them clothes (boxes) then...Sell them. 
Don't do that with your actual kids though. Especially not in exchange for two iPhones. Did I just give you ideas? Oops!
Anyway. Imagine if Apple made mutant gadgets. Seriously - it could happen! You know the iPod Touch 4? Yeah, that's the child of some poor iPhone and iPod Touch 3 couple, forced to send their child into adoption. 
Are you really gunna promote this? Buy their children? What?! I know I am. But you shouldn't. 
So all these iPhones and iPod touch are in a breeding factory. Like puppies. Except puppies don't usually get made in factories. Or do they? Anyway, Apple makes these gadgets, neuters/spays them then sends them off. 

Wow, this is really what I think about...

Have fun. Think about everything I just said. Then go buy the new iPod Touch. Just because it looks good. 

If you can't make it good, just make it look good." -Bill Gates
